
Terms and Conditions


Barbara Rapagnani creative director and CEO of the brand that bears my name. I was born and live in Civitanova Marche, the heart of one of the most important footwear districts in the Marche region and in Italy.

I was born the daughter of a footwear entrepreneur who passed on to me the love for high-quality manufacturing shoes over the years, leaving me the greatest legacy: the experience, creativity and passion that I put into my work. I love to create iconic and perfect footwear, each with its own identity and rigorously produced in my land.

My passion is shared with my life partner, my husband Luca, a great aesthete and first inflexible judge of my creations, a lover of the female hemisphere and everything that makes it stand out.
A world, the female world, which is the source of inspiration for our project, designed for contemporary women who divide themselves between many daily commitments and who, once they have removed their informal clothes and shoes, need to wear something precious that can communicate their mood, their femininity and their sensuality, entering a world where dreaming is still possible.

I like to think that each shoe in my collections is unconventional but goes beyond the schemes dictated by standardized fashions and I free my imagination in my independent research of shapes, materials and colors, while maintaining a luxury style unchanged over time….


Management responsibility

Company policy

The General direction has a very important task for the effective functioning of the organizational system which is that of define, document and disseminate the objectives and commitments that the organization assumes for the implementation of its Company Policy, in relation to the general objectives of excellence and satisfaction of the needs and expectations of the interested parties, legal obligations (and not only), its commitment to reduce the exploitation of environmental resources and to guarantee the traceability of paper raw materials through the implementation and the management of a chain of custody.

Our company is always ready to voluntarily commit to a path of continuous improvement in relation to the environmental impact, the well-being of its employees, the active role in the community in which the company is inserted, but also the general mission of the company, including ethics, responsibility and transparency; all this, while maintaining its nature as an organization that pursues economic objectives. voluntarily commit to a path of continuous improvement in relation to the environmental impact, the well-being of its employees, the active role in the community in which the company is inserted, but also the general mission of the company, including ethics, responsibility and transparency; all this, while maintaining its nature as an organization that pursues economic objectives.

Voluntarily engage in a process of continuous improvement in relation to the environmental impact, the well-being of its employees, the active role in the community in which the company is inserted, but also the general mission of the company, including ethics, responsibility and transparency; all this, while maintaining its nature as an organization that pursues economic objectives.

The ability to guide the organization towards common objectives is what the General Management exercises through this organizational process aimed at ensuring company growth.


Code ethical

The organization is aware of contributing with its work, with a sense of responsibility and moral integrity, to the development process of the Italian economy and the civil growth of the country, as it believes in the value of work and considers legality, correctness and the transparency of acting indispensable prerequisites for the achievement of one's economic, productive and social objectives.


Our company undertakes to respect the principles listed below towards anyone:


1.1 Integrity in compliance with Laws and Regulations

1.2 Rejection of any discrimination

1.3 Centrality, development and enhancement of human resources and equity of authority

1.4 Territorial roots

1.5 Transparency and business ethics

1.6 Quality

1.7 Diversity

1.8 Legality and fight against terrorism and crime


As an organization and as individuals, all recipients in the workplace are required to apply them correctly in both internal and external operations and relationships.


Our company hopes that these values will define the corporate identity and that employees and i

collaborators do their utmost to ensure that they go towards the same goal in unison.


1.1 Integrity of conduct and compliance with Laws and Regulations.1 Integrity of conduct and compliance with Laws and Regulations

The company is committed to creating and supplying quality products and competing on the market

according to principles of fair and free competition and transparency, maintaining correct relationships with all public, governmental and administrative institutions, with citizens and with third-party companies.

Everyone is required to operate, in any situation, with integrity, transparency, consistency and fairness, conducting every business relationship with honesty.

Our company operates in strict compliance with the law and makes every effort to ensure that all staff

act in this sense: people must behave in accordance with the law, whatever the context, the activities carried out and the places in which they operate.

This commitment must also apply to consultants, suppliers, customers and anyone who has relations with the company organization.


1.2 Rejection of any discrimination

In decisions that affect relations with interested parties (personnel management and work organization, selection and management of suppliers, relations with the surrounding community and with the institutions that represent it), the organization of our company avoids any discrimination based on the age, gender, sexual orientation, social status, ethnicity, nationality, political opinion and religion of its interlocutors


1.3 Centrality, development and enhancement of human resources and equity of authority1.3 Centrality, development and enhancement of human resources and equity of authority

Our company recognizes the centrality of human resources and believes that an essential factor for success and development is the professional contribution of the people who work there, and has always placed professionalism and the individual contribution of people at the center of its work, giving continuity to a style of relationship that points

to recognize everyone's work as a fundamental element of corporate and personal development.

At the same time, our company places dialogue, lo, at the center of its daily work

exchange of information at any level, the enhancement and professional updating of their collaborators, the establishment of a corporate identity and the related sense of belonging.

Our company attaches the utmost importance to those who lend their work within the organization, contributing to the development of the same as it is through human resources that the company is able to provide, develop, improve and guarantee a '' optimal management of its services and products. Without prejudice to the legal and contractual requirements regarding the duties of workers, employees are required to be professional, dedicated to work, loyalty, a spirit of collaboration, mutual respect, a sense of belonging and morality. In the management of contractual relationships that involve the establishment of hierarchical relationships, our company undertakes to ensure that authority is exercised with fairness and correctness and that any form of abuse is avoided: in particular, our company guarantees that authority is not transformed into the exercise of power which damages the dignity and autonomy of the person. These values ​​must in any case be safeguarded in making choices regarding the organization of work.


1.4 Territorial roots

Our company aims to carry out projects aimed at a direct involvement of citizenship, public and private institutions, entrepreneurship and associations on everything related to health education, prevention and taking charge of one's own Welfare. Our company takes action and will continue to take action so that the companies with which it collaborates comply with the same behavioral regulations and orient their activities to the same principles and values. It also promotes local development through a strong connection with the various actors of the territorial community of reference. It therefore acts in the local community for the development of a rich and generative society, capable of recognizing and enhancing the resources that compose it, the skills and potential present, gender, cultural and ethnic differences, promoting well-being, integration and development social.


1.5 Transparency and business ethics

The history, identity and values of our company are expressed in a business ethics based on:

  • Reliability

intended as a guarantee of absolute seriousness in the projects launched, in the transactions and in the commitments undertaken.

  • Solidity

relating to a structure that rests on defined patrimonial bases, as evidenced by its prolonged activity.

  • Transparency

consequent to the conception of the social role which requires not only respect for ethical principles and work but also the implementation of methods that allow the reference communities and social actors to have access to information in order to reconstruct their work.

  • Correctness

in the contractual context, avoiding that, in existing relationships, anyone who works in the name and on behalf of the company tries to take advantage of contractual gaps or unforeseen events in order to renegotiate the contract for the sole purpose of exploiting the position of dependence or weakness in whom the interlocutor has come to find.

  • Protection of competition

refraining from collusive, predatory and position abuse behaviors


1.6 Quality

Quality is a distinctive element of our company. The organization is committed and responsible for ensuring quality in every activity, in line with its long-term strategy.

It is the precise intention of the Management to involve and empower all collaborators according to their level of competence, enhancing their ability and experience through appropriate training in accordance with the training program drawn up every year and updated as needed.


1.7 Diversity

Our company requires from its directors, employees and collaborators behaviors that ensure the utmost respect for the dignity of people, therefore the organization:

  • guarantees the most scrupulous observance of the rules for the protection of child and child labor, freedoms and rights of workers;
  • guarantees the conditions of free membership in trade unions;
  • does not tolerate human rights violations;
  • promotes integration as a form of collective enrichment in the complex social fabric.

In particular, our company condemns any form of discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnic, political and religious belonging.


1.8 Legality and fight against terrorism and crime

La nostra azienda crede profondamente nei valori democratici e condanna qualsiasi attività che possa avere finalità di terrorismo o di eversione dell’ordine democratico. L’organizzazione, inoltre, condanna qualsiasi attività che implichi:

  • forgery, counterfeiting, alteration and / or spending of coins, public credit cards and revenue stamps;
  • acceptance and treatment of proceeds from criminal activities (money laundering);
  • unauthorized access to external IT systems;
  • illegal possession of access codes;
  • damage to equipment and data;
  • fraud in the management of electronic signature certification;
  • wiretapping, impediments and interruptions of computer communications;
  • dissemination of ideas of tolerance and silence relating to the use of drugs or that create any addiction;
  • incitement to carry out illegal acts or even contrary to the moral sense;
  • negligence in combating violence, damage to public things and lack of respect for internal regulations.


Human resources

The company intends to invest heavily, within its resources

on the professional growth of internal resources, whose skills are the company's real assets and form the backbone that must support present and future workloads.

The company identifies the necessary skills of its employees and provides the necessary training to meet these needs and evaluates the effectiveness of the training carried out.

  • The Management ensures that the collaborators know the relevance and importance of the activities they carry out and how they contribute to achieving the objectives.
  • The skills of each collaborator are appropriately documented (qualification, educational qualification, training courses, experiences, etc…).
  • The recently hired personnel, who are not experts in the Company's operating procedures, work alongside experienced personnel and participate in the necessary training courses.


Our company has always placed professionalism and the individual contribution of people at the center of its work, giving continuity to a style of relationship that aims to recognize the work of each one as a fundamental element of corporate and personal development.

At the same time, our company places dialogue, lo, at the center of its daily work

exchange of information at any level, the enhancement and professional updating of their collaborators, the establishment of a corporate identity and the related sense of belonging


Health & Safety

The Management, aware that physical and human factors strongly contribute to the quality of work, has set up a comfortable, clean and tidy working environment.

The working methods are oriented to favor a profitable collaboration without excessive fatigue, through a comfortable and synchronized timetable on appropriate breaks, moreover a right autonomy and flexibility, even in the correct planning of activities, guarantees the staff the necessary space to provide a service of motivated and rewarding work.

The General Management, having among its objectives also the protection of health and safety in the workplace, has organized specific initiatives within the company that take into account the prevention, control and verification of health, hygiene and safety in the workplace through the application of Legislative Decree 81/08 "Consolidated Law on Safety" concerning the improvement of health and safety conditions in the workplace in order to protect the health and safety of company workers, prevent accidents and occupational diseases is to affirm that the responsibility in the management of the Health and Safety of the Workers concerns the entire company organization, from the employer to each worker, each according to their own powers and skills.


Our company In particular:

  • √ defines the operating procedures to be followed and coordinates activities in the field of health and safety in the workplace;
  • √ ensures the application of current regulations also through the creation of risk assessment documents and the definition of processing procedures in line with current safety standards;
  • √ constantly monitors legislative innovations and works towards their implementation.
  • Our company also undertakes to guarantee:
  • √ the assessment of all health and safety risks;
  • √ the planning of prevention activities aimed at a complex that coherently integrates the operating conditions, as well as the influence of environmental factors and
  • of work organization;
  • √ the elimination of risks and, where this is not possible, their reduction to a minimum in relation to the knowledge acquired on the basis of technical progress;
  • √ compliance with the ergonomic principles of work organization, in the design of workplaces, in the choice of equipment and in the definition of working methods and service delivery, in particular in order to reduce the effects on health of monotonous work and of the repetitive one;
  • √ the reduction of risks at source;
  • √ the replacement of what is dangerous with what is not or what is less dangerous;
  • √ the limitation to a minimum of the number of workers who are or who may be exposed to risk;
  • √ the limited use of chemical, physical and biological agents in the workplace;
  • √ the priority of collective protection measures over individual protection measures;
  • √ the health control of workers;
  • √ the removal of the worker from exposure to risk for health reasons inherent in his person and moving where possible to another job;
  • √ adequate information and training for workers, managers, the Workers' Safety Representative and all staff;
  • √ adequate instructions to workers;
  • √ the participation and consultation of workers and the Workers' Safety Representative;
  • √ the planning of measures deemed appropriate in order to ensure the improvement of safety levels over time also through the adoption of codes of conduct and good practices;
  • √ the emergency measures to be implemented in the event of first aid, fire fighting, evacuation of workers and serious and immediate danger;
  • √ the use of warning and safety signs;
  • √ the regular maintenance of environments, equipment, systems with particular regard to any safety devices in accordance with the indications of the respective manufacturers;




To ensure the Chain of Custody, the organization tries to keep the following infrastructures in perfect working order:

  • buildings and work spaces (warehouses, production departments, offices);
  • machinery for production;
  • company IT systems (software and hardware used for management and operational activities);
  • support services (vehicles and communication).

These infrastructures are kept in a state of efficiency, through periodic maintenance carried out within the organization, with service contracts with the main suppliers.

In the event that the General Management and / or the Department Managers detect, during the performance of the activities relating to the Management System, specific deficiencies relating to the infrastructures, improvement actions are taken through the activation of corrective and / or preventive actions



Last modified: May 31, 2022

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